Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Backwards World ---- Part One

Guys that wear girly clothes

I was working at my job on the college campus, when a big, very muscular guy walked by. I have to admit, I was rather impressed with his build. He looked very strong all around. Very built. It was impressive. There was just one problem though, and it rather killed it for me actually. The guy was dressed in girly, skinny jeans, as well as a purple, girly, v-neck t-shirt.

Yes, it rather killed it for me. I don't really like hanging around guys that try to dress the same as me. I definitely would not want to date one either. How ridiculous would that be? You could totally share clothes and everything. How sweet!!

Actually, it grosses me out. It seems like people don't really know who they are anymore. Or rather, they try too hard to be something they're not.

The world is full of people that have given up everything that they are to become something that somebody else is. You cannot be a good second place copy cat. But you can be an extraordinary first-place you. Nobody else can be like you, unless they are trying to copy you, then they will always, Always fail. For you cannot be something that you are not.

So the world goes around and around, in circles. So many people trying to copy other people, who are trying to copy other people, who don't have a clue what they are doing, or why they are doing it. Why did that guy decide to dress in girly clothes that day, when he would have looked so much better in the manly clothes that are made for him? He would have been a whole lot more comfortable as well, and I would have been a lot more comfortable being around him. I don't want a guy that would want to share clothes with me.

This trend has spread to more areas than just the clothes. I am a real girl, and I want a real man. I am plain and simply attracted to real men that know who they are and act like it. Not one that is all flitsy and giggly and weird. If you're going to be a man, then be a man. If you're going to be a beast, then be a beast. If you're going to be gay, then by gay. But if you're a guy, and you're wearing girly clothes, and acting all girly, then don't try to flirt with me, because your appearance already said more than I wanted to know about you.

Once you learn how to walk properly, and dress yourself properly, learn proper manners, and learn to be who you really should be, then you can come talk to me. The world has become a place where people keep trying to break all the limits of everything. But there are some things that just should not be messed with.

Just because girls look really attractive in those clothes, does not mean that you guys will.
And just because you guys are attracted to girls that wear those girl clothes, does not mean that we will be attracted to you guys when you wear them.

Tara J. Howard

Copyright 2014

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