Monday, July 6, 2015

Who am I?

Who am I to ask of Thee,
Oh Greatest God of everything.
You made the heavens, sea, and land,
By single words of Your command.

You made the sun, the birds that sing,
You made the moon, and Saturn's rings.
You made the leaves on every tree,
So who am I to ask of Thee?

Who am I to ask of Thee?
For help in times of tragedy,
For strength when I can give no more,
Or helping hands outside my door.

Who am I to ask of Thee?
To calm the raging, white-capped sea?
To comfort me when in despair?
Who am I to think You care?

I've asked for home, and food to bless,
I've asked for more when I've had less.
I've asked for miracles left and right,
And simply safety in the night.

I've asked for work, and money too,
I've asked to see someone I knew.
I've asked for guidance every day,
Spinning around; which way, which way?

I've even asked for healing, Lord.
To take away the painful sword,
That pierces me by night and day.
Oh why can't Thou take it away?

But who am I to ask of Thee?
You know the best and worst of me.
But then I know that it is true,
You want me to become like You.

There's something more inside of me,
A piece of Your divinity.
Something planted, and You know,
Into the parent, the child grows.

You will not give me everything,
You will not always calm the sea.
But I believe You'll give what's asked,
Or something even more than that.

So calm our fears, and hush our sobs, 
We're children of the Greatest God.
And it won't be long before we see,
Just why You give us tragedy.

So this is why I ask of Thee,
I'm a child of Eternity.
You will give what I seek, or more,
Because You always have before.

Tara J. Howard

Copyright July 2015

Saturday, March 14, 2015

What's Important

This world is crazy, so many changes.
Everywhere you look there are buildings and cages,
Places for work, and places to play,
But all I really want is somewhere I can pray.

They're rushing around, doing this, doing that,
Trying to save their lives from falling flat.
Looking to the future with great trepidation,
While all that I want is some quiet meditation.

They want to be famous, or wealthy at least.
They want everyday to be a great feast.
They want to be noticed, to be watched, to be seen,
But all that I want is for God to know me.

I don't understand the people of this world,
They're running around for the gold of the Earth.
They work for the things that don't matter at all,
While forgetting the Lord and His beckoning call.

Our things of the world will leave us when we die.
Only God's kingdom will last through all time. 
If you gain all possessions and still neglect God's work
How much is your life even really worth?

Before the throne of God we will be stripped down,
All useless things shall all be cast out.
What will be left then, just nakedness and shame?
A spirit of guilt or a feeling of blame?

What all goes with us still when we die,
As we travel into our immortal life?
Only our families, and the faith we have gained,
The things that we learned and the good we became.

Seek not for treasures that rust does destroy.
Seek instead for courage, and hope, and true joy.
Seek to serve others, and seek to be kind.
Seek to have self-control over your mind.

Spend time with your family, spend time learning truth,
Spend time cultivating the talents in you.
Know what's important and what's really not.
Above all, Remember to spend time with God.

Tara J. Howard

Copyright March 2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Escape the World

Perhaps it is only me. Perhaps it is just the everyday settings I have placed myself in. Perhaps it is real.

For the most part, I have an absolutely incredible life. I really couldn't ask for more. I have been blessed beyond measure in absolutely every area of my life. Yet sometimes I still feel a longing to escape from the world. Just an urge to run away from everyone, and not deal with problems anymore. But you cannot escape problems. After all, that is rather what we are here on Earth to learn from.

But sometimes I do not feel as if I belong here. Like there is someplace else I am supposed to be. The feeling is only fleeting though, and then I come back around and see the simple everyday wonders that constantly surround me.

When two paths diverge in front of me, and I wonder what would be at the end of each one, it can be hard to know which one you really want more. Perhaps you jump back and forth between them for a bit, but then you eventually must choose, for nobody can be a fence-sitter for long without falling off.

There comes a point when you really must decide what is most important to you. You cannot use just your heart to decide on decisions, nor can you only use your mind. Sometimes you wonder if they contradict each other though.

But oh, to run away. Escape the world, and live far away. Away from problems, contradictions, struggles, unnecessary games or pain. Letting it all go, and fall into oblivion. Live in a world of beauty, simple wonders, and pure happiness. What possibilities that could hold!

And yet, in a corrupt, crazy world, could that even be possible? Perhaps not.

So we create the beauty around us. We notice the little things. We stand a little taller. We let things go that could infinitely bother us. We walk away sometimes, and sometimes we stand still.

Notice the birds singing. The smiles on children's faces. Slow-motion wonders in the air. Different colors gracing the evening. Or just a calm, quiet peace of mind.

And then you remember again, you do not have to run away. Escape the world in your mind and in your heart. Create a paradise there that nobody can disturb. Hold onto your kingdom and the royalty that you know exists.

And one day.... one day, it will all be as you dream.

Tara Howard

Copyright January 29, 2015

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Diverging Paths

I looked ahead and saw the paths.
The one I was on could lead to the past.
The one to my left could lead to my dreams.
I'd have all that I want, glory and prestige.

But the one to my right is the one that I chose.
Full, straight, and narrow is the way that it goes.
I let all things go, and just followed the Lord.
Turned my life to Him, and He helped me to soar.

What prestige on Earth could be better than this,
To pull others out of the darkest abyss?
Bring them to God and help them to see,
Why I chose to be one of God's missionaries!

Through me God preaches the Gospel to them,
And helps them receive the blessings of heaven.
A life given to God multiplies back ten-fold,
I believe in Christ! I believe and I know!

Tara J. Howard

Copyright Dec. 2014

Brown and White Buildings

Across from a park, where the sun shines from the side,
I see a white building of old mortar and stone.
In this town that is covered with snow deep and wide,
It is where I grew up, and where I have been known.

There's laughter with friends in the high school nearby.
There's dreams of our futures and how we'll play our part.
Pizza and movie nights, talking late in the night.
Or a dark night of walking when pain fills your heart.

But my mind always goes back to that white building,
And it's brown companion that also holds meaning.
Those places hold memories dark, light, and filling.
I try to hold on, but there's sadness it's bringing.

I stand in the middle, and my mind fills the room.
Memories moving like dark shadows of the past.
It's here I learned to fight, to be tough, to be true.
To stand up, to hold on, be a warrior at last.

I would kick until numb, I would punch until sore.
I would train, I would spar, I would practice all day.
Bruises on my side and arms from hitting the floor.
Taking kicks to body, the arms, head, and face.

It was like a dream, all the movements so fluid.
A fierce dance of death; I was one of the players.
If you'd take me back there, I know I would do it,
Just me and my team, days of training, and no cares.

But then, just like that, it was over all at once.
Dreams of the gold vanished into thin air.
It was all progressing, then an argument cuts,
He rips out the dreams, tears them up, doesn't care.

But if I could go back to one moment in life,
I wish I could fix that, keep things happy how they were.
But I had to stand up for myself at some time.
It needed to happen, and yet still, I'm not sure.

My thought's in the past, but I live in the present.
I bring myself back, see my life, how fulfilling!
But a piece of my heart was still left where my dreams went,
For all that I learned in those brown and white buildings.

Tara J. Howard

Copyright Dec. 2014

Monday, January 5, 2015

Miracles Still

Don't get discouraged. It is alright.
Sometimes the miracles aren't within sight.
But they are there, and the angels stand firm.
They'll walk beside you; you'll make it, you'll learn.

Never give up, you are doing your best.
You give your all, and God gives you the rest.
God loves you, He's there, and He knows how you feel.
Be not afraid! God sends miracles still.

Tara J. Howard

Copyright January 2015