Sunday, August 26, 2012

Demanding Respect and Obedience

“I demand more respect and obedience” was a very loud statement that I heard recently. While at first it sounded like a highly promoted leader talking, it only took a second to realize just how cocky and arrogant that statement really is. That statement came from an adult that I knew very well. They felt they deserved complete respect and obedience from the people under them, and they had stooped to means so low as to roughly demand it from them. At the same time though, they were showing no real means of having really earned it in any way.

Unfortunately, that attitude has become more prevalent in the coming leaders of the world. Any potential and distance that they might have gained over the years would be completely destroyed by a statement and attitude such as that one.

That statement by itself really proved just how little respect they truly deserve. These people demand respect through their words or their very cocky attitude. It is that characteristic of many people that I find the very most disturbing. For any person to feel like they can just demand those things of everyone around them is scary. It is not the trait of a leader, it is the start of the destruction of all leadership traits.

You see, respect and obedience are like trust in many aspects. It is not something that you can just demand of people. It is something that is earned, as well as something that is very well portrayed. The whole manner of the person can either make it, or completely destroy it.

A person should never demand respect or obedience through their words, or their attitude. It should be their very manner, their very character that echoes so loud and so clear that everyone around them just knows immediately of the respect that they deserve. Not because they say they do, but simply because of who they are.

Who you are speaks louder than what you say.

It has become apparent that many people do not even realize what real respect is anymore, or the potential that it has to generate so much more.

Respect has the power to potentially generate the deepest levels of trust and obedience. It also has the power to create the strongest kind of love. That is real respect.

There is another feeling that many people have that they also call “respect”. It is simply the violent and horrible fear of others. This kind of demanded, so-called “respect” generates only evil. There is no respect in it. Yet that is what people call it. It is the very opposite of respect though. It creates feelings of anger, and fear, and sadness. It causes people to potentially do things they never wanted to do, or that they know are wrong. It also destroys any feelings of goodwill, kindness, or happiness that existed before between any such people. This fear of people has no respect in it. Like the child that obeys their parents out of fear, or the student at school that is picked on and beaten by others. There is no respect there, only fear. Yet that is what people call it!!

Real respect is given, not forced. There should naturally be a certain degree of respect in the beginning between all of us, for everyone, because of who we are. But remember that it is easily destroyed, and it all has the potential for so much more. If it is real respect, it has the potential of creating something strong and unbreakable.

The strongest and deepest kind of respect can be just as pure and as strong as real love. Only it is so different in many ways, and it has the potential to generate that kind of real, pure love too.

You cannot demand respect from others. Your whole character, your whole being, will determine that level of respect to which you are given. Your intentions, your integrity, and your whole manner of living, will speak openly to everyone.

Although perhaps not everyone will give that respect to you, that is not the point. If you really understand it, then you would not be demanding it. It still has to be freely given.

The most respected persons are the ones who would never think to demand it, but whose whole character and being speak loud enough for them already.

Tara J. Howard

Copyright 2014

1 comment:

  1. I love this, Tara! R-E-S-P-E-C-T is for sure everyone could do a little more of and use a bit more of. Some days wanting to "demand" some respect is a little healthy too. Just in moderation. ;)


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