Places for work, and places to play,
But all I really want is somewhere I can pray.
They're rushing around, doing this, doing that,
Trying to save their lives from falling flat.
Looking to the future with great trepidation,
While all that I want is some quiet meditation.
They want everyday to be a great feast.
They want to be noticed, to be watched, to be seen,
But all that I want is for God to know me.
I don't understand the people of this world,
They're running around for the gold of the Earth.
They work for the things that don't matter at all,
While forgetting the Lord and His beckoning call.
Our things of the world will leave us when we die.
Only God's kingdom will last through all time.
How much is your life even really worth?
Before the throne of God we will be stripped down,
All useless things shall all be cast out.
What will be left then, just nakedness and shame?
A spirit of guilt or a feeling of blame?
What all goes with us still when we die,
As we travel into our immortal life?
Only our families, and the faith we have gained,
The things that we learned and the good we became.
Seek instead for courage, and hope, and true joy.
Seek to serve others, and seek to be kind.
Seek to have self-control over your mind.
Spend time with your family, spend time learning truth,
Spend time cultivating the talents in you.
Know what's important and what's really not.
Above all, Remember to spend time with God.
Tara J. Howard
Copyright March 2015