Sunday, April 2, 2017

Get Off the Easy Path

To say that I am concerned about the world is a HUGE understatement. A lot of us are, I think. Sometimes I think I wouldn’t mind having a little bit of fire and brimstone rain down. Surely the world we are in now cannot be better than Sodom and Gomorrah were.

We live in a filth-filled, sex-driven, pleasure-seeking world where huge numbers of innocent people are tortured and abused every day. The average age of children being exposed to pornography is six. Children are getting addicted to porn and sexual feelings before they can even really know what’s going on.

Why are the adults of this world allowing such terrible things to penetrate every area of life? Why are they allowing such soul-sucking, heart-wrenching filth fill the media and minds of everyone?

President Ezra Taft Benson said, “You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible!”

All these people who are knowingly perpetuating the sin and crime in the world will one day be held accountable before God.

And none of them can possibly be happy right now.

Everyone is seeking for happiness. Yet they are doing everything opposite from what would actually bring it to them. They want the easier, pleasure-filled route, rather than the seemingly harder, joy-filled paths of life. But in the end, sin makes life harder, not easier.

It might be easier to choose it in the moment, but it makes life harder in the end.

Why are we so obsessed with that easier path? Why do so many people want to get through life with as minimum of effort as possible? Sure, they might work hard at their jobs in order to earn lots of money. Which is probably the absolute least important thing in this world to be working hard at.

What happened to people working hard at their integrity and character? Do people really think it’s alright to lie, steal, cheat, and hurt other people? Is it more important to have an object of gratification, or to have good character and integrity?

What happened to people working hard at helping others? What happened to people working hard at being kind to others? Do you really think it is alright to live life selfishly? Do you really think you will be happy that way? When was the last time you literally lived your life for someone else? Either short-term or long-term. How did it make you feel?

What happened to people working hard at relationships? Do you really think those are just going to come easy or happen all on their own? Do people still naively believe in the concept of suddenly just “falling in love” with “your soulmate”?

Some people seem to literally lose their minds when they find out the person they are dating has flaws. Or when they find out that they don’t perfectly live up to all sorts of ridiculous ideals.

I’ll tell you right now that I love to walk around barefoot. Sometimes I sing off-key. Sometimes I can be a little hot-headed. And sometimes I can be a little silly. I had one boyfriend drop me because I cared too much. Wait…. What? Sorry for actually trying, dude.

Here’s the thing. The thing that so many people seem to be completely forgetting.

All good things take work. And they take time too.

If you always just try to take the easy path than you are not going to get any of those good things.

And I’m talking about everything with that:

Education, Careers, Talents, Goals, Family, Friends, Relationships, Friendships, Happiness, Knowledge, Beliefs, Self-Control, Perfection in any area, etc.

If you’re not willing to put in the work, don’t expect to get the prize.
Yeah, it’s hard. DUH!!! I get that! What were you expecting? Get over it.
Stop trying to cruise through life on minimum effort. You will not ever be truly happy that way.

Just on a final note. Be careful not to hurt those people that care about you. People that will stick with you, always forgive you, and support you through difficult times seem to be few and far between anymore. If you’re getting annoyed because they care too much about you, than maybe you’re not caring enough about them. Only in selfishness could you be upset about someone caring about you. Remember they have their struggles too. Open your eyes a little more. That’s not easy, you say? Than read this article again.
