suppose I have never been at such a conflict in my life before.
you ever totally felt that you were doing the right thing, and then you’re not
sure, and then you think maybe you’re wrong, and then you go back to feeling
that you were actually right, and you can’t seem to just figure it out?
seems like life would be more black and white than that, and it usually is. But
somehow, there are also these little mud holes of black and white goop that mix
together to form an incomprehensible mess. I could have never predicted it, and
such it is with most things.
is so unpredictable, and so are people; extremely unpredictable. One day they
might say and do one thing, and the very next day everything could be totally
contradicting that. They might walk a mile with you one day, and then the next
you are total strangers.
that isn’t usually the case, it might be good to prepare yourself a little bit.
People aren’t always what they might seem, they don’t always hear what is being
said, and they don’t always see the things that they have done.
you might feel that you were totally in the right, only to feel five minutes
later that you were a complete idiot.
you think you are helping somebody out, only to realize that they don’t, and
never did, care.
you still care about somebody, only to find out that you are dust in the wind
to them.
only problem is when it makes you hurt inside, but you aren't entirely sure
why. All logic and reason points against it, yet logic and reason don’t really
seem to be running this world sometimes.
I sit here in music therapy, music from my computer pounding my ears out, as I
try to figure this out. I lay it out piece by piece, and still, I am not sure. The
pieces of the puzzle aren’t fitting together. What’s been told, what’s been
done, everything that’s happening doesn’t seem to quite match up together. So
you use your mind to try and fill in the blanks. But there could be any number
of possible answers.
knows what the truth is anymore? Is there really ever any truth to anything
people may see things from two totally different points of view, yet when they
try to talk about it, it still doesn’t make any sense. What can you do then?
What makes you right and the other person wrong? What gives you the right to
say? Both people may truly feel like the other is not listening at all, yet
both are listening, just really not agreeing at all.
does it take to just put this all behind us and try again? How many chances
does a person get before it’s all lost? How much hope can you hold onto? How
many times can the nail be pounded before it breaks? How many times can the
mirror be dropped before it shatters?
conflict is the very worst kind. You get up every morning just wondering if
your heart and mind are actually going to agree this time, and wondering what
in the world you can say today to try and fix the problems. You say what feels
right and what you think is right, but to the other person, it might feel
you just let it all go? Forget it all ever happened? What gives one person the
right to really punish the other, and the other to have to just sit and take
it? Does age and authority always matter in cases like these? Do the authority
always have the say, or do the young have a right too? And where do you go from
both feel that the other is wrong, but only the authority has the power to
punish, does that give them the right?
you lose a friendship just because you don’t agree with the other person? Would
you push someone away just because they are hurting and are not being their
best self? Would you let someone go just because someone else tells you to?
People almost always know when they are doing something wrong. They don't need to be disfigured with a literary knife for it. Usually when they mess up constantly, it's not because they're stupid or rebellious. Usually it's because they're hurting for some reason. That can cause rebellion. Cutting them open won't help them to heal. But warmth, comfort, and encouragement will.
person’s views can be gradually changed through the constant pushing of certain
views on them. The greatest person alive can be standing in front of you or
even someone you loved, but if someone has told you over and over again how
horrible they are, it will somehow still be embedded in your mind.
you judge someone solely off of what you’ve seen and what someone else has been
telling you?
would you listen to what that person is going through first?
that be more important than what you or anyone else is seeing in them? Or would you just let their thoughts and feelings be faked or totally just disregarded?
Tara J. Howard
Copyright 2014