Saturday, June 30, 2012


Dream (noun, verb): Something amazing that you want to accomplish with your life, but is impossible to accomplish on your own. 
It always takes at least one other person to help you. 

If you think you can get through this life and do all these great things on your own, think again. That's why God put us all here on this Earth together. To help each other, to listen, to understand, and to make each other better. 

The greatest thing you can do to help another is to stand in their shoes for a while and look around. See the things they're seeing, and feel the things they're feeling. And someday, you may realize, that most of us are not intentionally trying to be evil or horrible. We are just trying to do our best, do the things we think are right, and stand up for the things we have been taught. Even if we've been taught wrong. 

But we should still always accept full responsibility for the things we have done wrong. Whether or not we realized exactly what we were doing, it was still wrong. And we must accept that and take the consequences of it. 

We need each other in this life. And the sooner you can learn forgiveness and moving on, the better life will be. You cannot teach another the right way, when all you're doing is punishing them. They cannot fully learn that way. 

Teaching involves communication and caring, not just consequences.

Tara J. Howard

Copyright 2014

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