Stick with you when life is hardest, find the truth before accusing, and ask questions rather than assuming.
They don't make fun of you, they listen sincerely when you have a concern, especially if it's about them.
They will laugh with you, cry with you, get in trouble with you, and they won't be afraid to tell you when you are doing something wrong.
They wouldn't turn their back on you, they wouldn't hide things from you, and they wouldn't try and make you feel hurt in any way.
They would never stop believing in you, and they would never say anything that would work to destroy your belief in yourself.
They wouldn't make a promise that they don't intend to keep. They wouldn't say anything that they don't really mean.
Now Think!!! If you would treat a friend this good, why don't you treat everyone this good? Shouldn't we all be friends? We are all brothers and sisters. There is absolutely no excuse for ever treating anyone less than the very best.
Tara J. Howard
Copyright 2014