Saturday, September 1, 2012

Your Quest, Your Journey, Your Pain

I believe that every quest anyone takes will always hurt them in some way. It can also always help us, but only if we allow it too. If we don't allow changes to take place in us along our journey, then all the quest will do is hurt us deeply.

At the same time though, I believe that a quest is never complete unless it is filled with some sort of pain and hurt that has to be conquered by the end. All quests and journeys have some sort of great suffering included in them. If they didn't, then it wouldn't really be a journey or a challenge.

Pain and suffering are two of the things that can always change us the very most. But still, we have to let it change us. We cannot fight and strike out, but in the end we still must conquer it. How though? That is different for everyone. 

Pain can change a person, either for the better or for the worse. It either makes a person stronger, or makes them weaker. It either pushes them off the path of their dreams, or spurs them onward. It can change a person to greater good, or push them off the edge to evil. It can be the great changer of people. 

The question that many people have asked though is: Is pain just all in your mind? I don't believe it is, although I believe your mind can change it greatly. Even emotional pain can become very, very physical. Ask someone that's experienced it. Sometimes it can just be in your stomach. Sometimes it can be throughout your whole body. Everyone feels it differently. It can sometimes be worse than any sort of physical torture you could possibly imagine.

The pain is what helps us to grow and to change. How we deal with the pain, and how we use it, that is what determines the change that happens inside of us. That's what determines whether it helps us, or hurts us.

Physical growing pains young people face,
Always accompany physical growth.
The inner pains that you have each day of your life,
Are just growing pains, but for you soul.

Tara J. Howard

Copyright 2014

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