Tuesday, November 4, 2014

10 Things I Learned From My Mission

My letter home: August 18, 2014
Dear Family and Friends,

As this may be my last real entry as a full-time missionary, I want to share a few last thoughts.

A few days ago my Mission President asked me "What do you want?" At the time, I didn't have a super solid, good answer. I've thought about it more since then, and here is what I came up with; the things I truly want.

1. I want to be someone that The Lord trusts.
2. I want to continue doing missionary work.
3. I want to become everything I can become.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ gives us that great opportunity to change and become and fulfill our potential. The closer you get to God, the more you can become like Him.

This mission gave me the opportunity to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone who wanted to listen. It has been the greatest blessing in my life.
Now I want to share a few things that my mission has taught me.

1. People can change, and they do. All the time.

2. You cannot understand or see others clearly until you understand and see yourself clearly.

3. We are agents to act, and we must be treated that way. We are not objects to be acted upon, and we must never treat anyone that way. Don't try and force people to do things. Or belittle or mock them when they don't do things. And don't let others treat you that way either.

4. Everyone needs to be loved.

5. You need to forge your own path. You need to be who God intended you to be. Don't be an assembly line robot. Don't be like everyone else just because they say you should be. Be yourself, who you are. Branch out, be different. It's okay to be different, and to do things differently. The Lord made us that way.

6. Be open and sincere in your prayers to God. Take down all barriers and walls. You will learn and feel a lot more that way, and you will become a lot closer to Him every day.

7. Growing your testimony is really about growing closer to God. The more you pray, study the scriptures, go to church, the closer you get to God. And, the closer you get to God, the more you become like Him.

8. Everything we are doing in our lives should be helping us to get back to The Father. If it is taking you the other direction, then it's not worth it. Learn new things, gain new skills, improve your talents, strengthen your testimony.

9. "It is what it is, but it will become what you make of it."

10. Eternal things are what we are striving for. Temporal things will not last. What if everything you had was taken away from you? All your possessions, worldly things, house, cars, family, friends, and you were left with absolutely nothing but the clothes on your back. Become the kind of person that could still stand up, and people would say, "Now there goes a Great man (or woman)."

Love you all!!!

Sister Howard

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