Sunday, November 11, 2012

Gospel Topic # 5: The Importance of Education

Often the future is unknown; therefore, it behooves us to prepare for uncertainties. . . I urge you to pursue your education. . . that you might be prepared to provide if circumstances necessitate such.
Your talents will expand as you study and learn. You will be able to better assist your families in their learning, and you will have peace of mind in knowing that you have prepared yourself for the eventualities that you may encounter in life.
~President Thomas S. Monson, "Three Goals to Guide You", October 2007 General Conference

Remember, you are interested in education, not just for mortal life but for eternal life. When you see that reality clearly, you will put spiritual learning first and yet not slight the secular learning. In fact, you will work harder at your secular learning than you would without that spiritual vision.
~President Henry B. Eyring, "Real-Life Education", April 2009 New Era

Strive to increase your knowledge of all that is “virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy.”3 Seek knowledge “by study and also by faith.”4
In our learning, let us not neglect the fountain of revelation. The scriptures and the words of modern-day apostles and prophets are the sources of wisdom, divine knowledge, and personal revelation to help us find answers to all the challenges in life. Let us learn of Christ; let us seek out that knowledge which leads to peace and truth.

~President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Learn!", September 2011 Friend

I want to tell you that which will be of most worth and most desirable. The scriptures say, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom,” and I would add, “with all [your] getting get [going!]” (Proverbs 4:7). I do not have time to waste and neither do you. So listen up!
~President Boyd K. Packer, "How to Survive in Enemy Territory", October 2012 Liahona

We find a wealth of conviction and knowledge from our scriptures: theBible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. We can find inspirational threads running through each of them. In our study we will easily recognize them.
~Elder L. Tom Perry, "The Tradition of a Balanced, Righteous Life", August 2011 Liahona

Because of our sacred regard for each human intellect, we consider the obtaining of an education to be a religious responsibility. Yet opportunities and abilities differ. I believe that in the pursuit of education, individual desire is more influential than institution, and personal faith more forceful than faculty.
Our Creator expects His children everywhere to educate themselves. 
~Elder Russell M. Nelson, "Where is Wisdom?", November 1992 Ensign

Our quest for truth should be as broad as our life’s activities and as deep as our circumstances permit. A learned Latter-day Saint should seek to understand the important religious, physical, social, and political problems of the day. The more knowledge we have of heavenly laws and earthly things, the greater influence we can exert for good on those around us and the safer we will be from scurrilous and evil influences that may confuse and destroy us.
In our quest for truth, we need to seek the help of our loving Heavenly Father. His Spirit can direct and intensify our efforts to learn and magnify our ability to assimilate truth. 

~Elder Dallin H. Oaks, "Learning and Latter-Day Saints", April 2009 Liahona

As each element of truth is encountered, you must carefully examine it in the light of prior knowledge to determine where it fits. Ponder it; inspect it inside out. Study it from every vantage point to discover hidden meaning. View it in perspective to confirm you have not jumped to false conclusions. Prayerful reflection yields further understanding. Such evaluation is particularly important when the truth comes as an impression of the Spirit.
~Elder Richard G. Scott, "Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge", October 1993 General Conference

Some facts are helpful or interesting to know. Some knowledge is useful to learn and apply. But gospel truths are essential for us to understand and live if we are to become what our Heavenly Father yearns for us to become. The type of learning I am attempting to describe is not merely the accumulation of data and facts and frameworks; rather, it is acquiring and applying knowledge for righteousness.
~Elder David A. Bednar, "Learning to Love Learning", February 2010 Ensign

Decide what you want to do, and do it! Listening to your teachers, getting a good education, being willing to improve, and working hard makes this possible.
~Elder Robert D. Hales, "Friend to Friend", November 1996 Friend

My Position Statement:
Education is of the upmost importance, especially in this world. People have got to learn everything they can. They need to get so that they can think for themselves, and make their own decisions about the things in the world. No matter where you are at in life, you need to be learning. Just read books, even, about Philosophy, Art, Science, Nature, everything. Be sure to obtain a thorough and continuous spiritual education as well, and the mysteries of God will be unfolded unto you. 



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