Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Empty Road - Poem

I started walking back down that path.
There was a sign there, it led to my past.

I remembered then all the magic.
There was so much then. Now there’s havoc.

I really loved that time of my life.
Now it’s all gone, and I wonder why.

Perhaps there are some things not meant to last.
And that’s when we have to stop looking back.

We just look to the future and hope.
Something better will come, I just know.

But right now it hurts. The loss there is felt.
But I know someday it will all turn out well.

You just have to let go, and live day by day.
Even if it just leaves you feeling empty.

When you’re empty then, there’s chance to love once more,
To fill you back up, and again open that door.

It hurts to let go. I know that. That’s true.
But one day it will all be better for you.

Tara J. Howard

Copyright 2014

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